Firearm Offences in NSW: Understanding the Laws and Penalties

JJ Blog Content 5 MAR 2023

In New South Wales, there are various offences relating to the use and misuse of firearms, which are outlined in the Firearms Act 1996, the Crimes Act 1900 and the Weapons Prohibition Act 1988. Following the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania in 1996, which left 35 people dead and 23 wounded, firearms legislation was comprehensively […]

The Power of the Defence: Why Criminal Lawyers Stand for the Accused

JJ Blog Content 4 MAR 2023

Criminal lawyers are often misunderstood and misrepresented in popular culture. Portrayed as unscrupulous defenders of the guilty, they are seen by many as working against the interests of justice and morality. However, the reality is far more complex. Criminal lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring that the rights of the accused are protected and […]

The Right To Ask Scheme: How Does It Work Against Domestic Violence

JJ Blog Content 2 MAR 2023

Under a new scheme set to be trialled in New South Wales, individuals who may be at risk of domestic violence can be alerted to their partner’s history of abusive behaviour. This initiative has the potential to provide critical information that could help prevent domestic violence and protect those who may be vulnerable. What Is […]

The Consequences of Drink Driving in Australia

JJ Blog Content 1 MAR 2023

Despite having an illegal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for over 25 years, drink driving continues to be a significant cause of fatalities and injuries on Australian roads. The penalties for drink driving can vary depending on the level of alcohol in your system, your driving history, and other factors. If you are caught drink […]