Penalties and Defences for Unregistered Firearm Possession in NSW

JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 05

The laws regarding firearm possession in Australia are stringent. In New South Wales, owning a firearm requires registering it and obtaining a licence. Failure to do so can result in severe penalties and even imprisonment.  It is essential to understand the law surrounding firearms in NSW, as the consequences of breaking them can be life-altering. […]

The Role of Drug Lawyers in Protecting the Rights of Defendants

JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 04

Have you been charged with a drug-related offence in Australia? You may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. Drug offences can carry severe penalties, including imprisonment, fines and a criminal record, which can have long-lasting consequences for your life. That’s where drug lawyers come in. Drug lawyers specialise in representing individuals […]

Understanding AVOs: How to Apply for an Apprehended Violence Order

JJ Blog Content 2 MAR 2023

If you are experiencing violence or the threat of violence from someone close to you, you may be considering applying for an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO). An AVO is a legal order that can help protect you from further harm by placing restrictions on the behaviour of the person causing you harm. It is important […]

Assault and Aggravating Circumstances: How the Law Determines Sentencing

JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 02

The law takes assault cases seriously and considers a range of factors when determining the appropriate sentence. One of the key factors that the court considers is the presence of aggravating circumstances, which can significantly impact the severity of the sentence. In this article, we will discuss what assault is, the role of aggravating factors […]

The NSW Alcohol Interlock Program: What You Should Know

JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 01

Are you a driver in New South Wales who has been convicted of a drink driving offence? If so, you may be required to participate in the NSW Alcohol Interlock Program as part of your drink driving penalties in NSW. This program is an important part of the legal system’s efforts to reduce drink driving […]