What You Need to Know About Firearms Licence Suspension in NSW

JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 5

Having your firearms licence suspended in New South Wales (NSW) can be a daunting experience. In this article, we’ll provide you with essential information about firearms licence suspension, including the reasons for suspension, the effects of suspension and when to contact a weapons lawyer. As firearms lawyers with expertise in criminal defence, we aim to […]

What Is The Offence of Supplying a Prohibited Drug Causing Death?

JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 4

Drug-related deaths have become a growing concern not only for law enforcement agencies but also for communities nationwide. The tragic loss of lives and the ripple effects it creates within families and society as a whole cannot be ignored. As the legal landscape evolves to address this pressing issue, it is crucial for individuals to […]

What Is an Apprehended Violence Order?

JJ Blog Content 3 MAR 2023

If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you needed legal protection from someone, chances are you’ve come across the term AVO order. But what exactly is this order, and how does it work within the Australian legal system? This article aims to help you understand the purpose of an AVO, its significance and […]

What Is Wounding Under NSW Criminal Law?

JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 2

Understanding the concept of wounding is crucial, especially if you or someone you know is facing assault charges. Wounding plays a significant role in determining the severity of an offence and the potential legal consequences that follow.  If you want to gain a better understanding of wounding under NSW criminal law and how the legal […]

What Is High Range Drink Driving in NSW?

JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 1

Have you ever wondered what high range drink driving means? It’s a term that frequently comes up when discussing traffic offences in Australia, but what exactly does it entail? Whether you’re a curious individual seeking information or someone who wants to stay informed about the laws, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll break […]