Category: Assault

JJ Blog Content 3 MAR 2023
Understanding Aggravated Sexual Assault: What Is It?
When it comes to matters as serious as sexual assault, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the legal framework surrounding it. The term ‘aggravated sexual assault’ is often...
JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 2
What Is Wounding Under NSW Criminal Law?
Understanding the concept of wounding is crucial, especially if you or someone you know is facing assault charges. Wounding plays a significant role in determining the severity of an offence...
JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 02
Assault and Aggravating Circumstances: How the Law Determines Sentencing
The law takes assault cases seriously and considers a range of factors when determining the appropriate sentence. One of the key factors that the court considers is the presence of...
JJ Blog Content 3 MAR 2023
The Different Types of Assault Charges in Australia and How Assault Lawyers Can Help You
Assault charges are some of the most serious charges that one can face in Australia. An assault conviction can have long-lasting consequences that may affect your personal and professional life...