Category: Criminal Law

LinkedIn Post (Jackson John)
When Guilty Doesn't Mean the End: The Complexities of Appealing Jury Verdicts
Not The End of The Matter: Appealing Guilty Verdicts In Jury Trials The devastation experienced by an accused person, along with their family and friends, following a jury’s guilty verdict—often...
LinkedIn Post (Jackson John)
Eroding Safeguards: The Diminishing Role of Reasonable Suspicion in NSW
Reasonable Suspicion in NSW and the Implications of its Erosion In NSW, the concept of “reasonable suspicion” plays a crucial role in regulating police powers and protecting individual rights. The...
LinkedIn Post (Jackson John)
Juror Misconduct: The Hidden Threat to Fair Trials and the Cost of Justice in NSW
What is Juror Misconduct? If jurors engage in behaviour that violates their duties, such as independent investigation, inappropriate communication, or exposure to prejudicial information, a mistrial may be warranted. Recent...
LinkedIn Post (Jackson John)
New Bail Laws Tighten on Domestic Violence Offenders
New Bail laws targeting Domestic Violence accused On 1 July 2024 changes to the Bail Act 2013 aimed at making it harder for persons accused of serious domestic violence offences...
LinkedIn Post (Jackson John1)
“Coercive Control”
NSW introduces new offence of ‘Abusive behaviour towards current or former intimate partners’ On 1 July 2024, a new offence of ‘abusive behaviour towards current or former intimate partners’ became...
Murder Article 08 JAN 2024
What Breaks the Chain of Causation in Murder?
The chain of causation refers to the causal link between an accused’s conduct and the victim’s death. For cases of murder, section 18(1)(a) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) states:...
Extra Money Article 08 JAN 2024
Is Keeping Mistakenly Handed Extra Money Stealing? 
In NSW, stealing and similar offences are governed by Part 4 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). The concept of stealing, otherwise known as larceny, refers to the dishonest taking...
Home Break Article 08 JAN 2024
Can you Break into your Own Home?
The concept of ‘break and enter’ is complex and the legal meaning of which was established historically in circumstances where family and domestic violence was typically not regarded as criminal...
JJ Blog Content 4 MAR 2023
The Power of the Defence: Why Criminal Lawyers Stand for the Accused
Criminal lawyers are often misunderstood and misrepresented in popular culture. Portrayed as unscrupulous defenders of the guilty, they are seen by many as working against the interests of justice and...