Category: Drink Driving, DUI

Drug Testing LinkedIn Post (Jackson John)
Navigating NSW Laws on Driving & Illicit Drug Detection: No Walk in the Park for the Bulldog
The recent news coverage of Bulldogs winger Josh Ado-Carr’s (allegedly) failed roadside drug test brings into focus the laws in NSW surrounding driving and illicit drugs. Police have the power,...
JJ Blog Content 13 JUL 2023 01
Disqualification Removal: How to Get Your Licence Back
Have you recently lost your driver’s licence due to a disqualification in New South Wales (NSW)?  When a court disqualifies you from driving, your licence is cancelled, and you are...
JJ Blog Content 19 MAY 2023 1
What Is High Range Drink Driving in NSW?
Have you ever wondered what high range drink driving means? It’s a term that frequently comes up when discussing traffic offences in Australia, but what exactly does it entail? Whether...
JJ Blog Content 24 APR 2023 01
The NSW Alcohol Interlock Program: What You Should Know
Are you a driver in New South Wales who has been convicted of a drink driving offence? If so, you may be required to participate in the NSW Alcohol Interlock...
JJ Blog Content 1 MAR 2023
The Consequences of Drink Driving in Australia
Despite having an illegal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for over 25 years, drink driving continues to be a significant cause of fatalities and injuries on Australian roads. The penalties...